Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcome All!

Dear Friends, Readers and Other Interested Parties,
Welcome Welcome Welcome to the official FallBack Plan Productions SuperFilmBlog! My name is Morgan Peter Brown and I will be your host/blogger/producer for all of the exciting news coming to you from FallBack Plan Productions and Hollywood at large! There is a lot of excitement ahead (evidenced by my liberal use of exclamation points!!!!) and I greatly look forward to bringing everyone the news and getting the word out about some of our upcoming projects and anything else going on that we think you should know about.
FallBack Plan Productions is a newly-formed film production company based here in Los Angeles that strives to bring you quality, original material through the medium of independent film. We are a tight-knit group of talented and experienced actors, writers, directors and producers that hope to put out some of the most exciting and interesting film anyone's seen in a while. We're also serious film buffs here, and there is no genre that we find taboo (well, there are probably a few that would be in poor taste, so no zombie Michael Jackson courtroom dramas). Comedy, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Documentaries, serio-comic documentaries involving cannibals from outer space, we don't care! If we feel the quality meets our high standards, we will bring it to you, the public. So please come back often for all of our updates involving the world of film and entertainment. Thanks so much for reading and we will be back at you soon!

Our Thanks,
The Team at FallBack Plan

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